There is One Lord and One life. This that is His, is ours. Our life is the life of the Lord for He dwelleth in each of us and truly is all that is the world. All that we see and all that we know is One. It is all of One life and One body. This body and life is our true nature. It is the nature we have always been, and the nature we will always be. It is who we are now and this is all that is important. Nothing can be kept from us, for their is nothing outside of us. Who we are stretches from here to infinity. Both being the same. If there is nothing outside of us, then we have nothing to lose. Our life, being this infinite universe, is everchanging. When we are attached to the particular aspects of this everchanging life, we suffer. When we see that all is one, and that even through this change, nothing is gained or lost, then we may be free of the heartache of loss and may also be completely open to this life. We are not our bodies, our minds, our thoughts, or our feelings. What we are is but the breadth of life itself, both immediate and cosmic. Life is always both immediate and cosmic. This is what makes it infinite. This infinite life is what composes our bodies, our minds, our thoughts, and our feelings. It is what composes the entire universe. All these things, everything in the universe, is truly simply this cosmic life manifesting in various ways. When we don't see the universe and what inhabits it as this cosmic life, we have forgotten who we really are.
This is not something or someone that we become. It is who we are now. So there is nothing we can do to become this way. You don't add water to water to make it water. The problem isn't changing who we are. It's changing how we look at the world, how we see ourselves. We have strong identities. We believe in the truth of these identities. They are not who we truly are. They cannot bring us happiness and lasting peace. Only temporary happiness in an ever-uncertain world that always will alternate with pain and suffering. We can know deep freedom and happiness by recognizing our true nature. By recalling that our life is Cosmic and transcendent of the world that we know. By deeply awakening to this life we can overcome the adversity unique to our personal conditions and live from the truth.
We are this life now. We are all this One life. There is nothing we have to do to gain it, and equally nothing we can do to lose it. Each of us is this same life. We truly are not different from each other because their is nothing that divides us. Their is One life and we each are it. Everything is it. This is it. Everything is it right now. Everything good, and everything bad. All is One, All is Holy Life. Every single thing is sacred when everything is One. Everything is God, and everything is Truth. What remains is Holy Life. Which surrounds you and thoroughly permeates your being. Through this power, this life, you have peace. This power is here, it is now.
True belief, is believing in what is here in the face of what is not. Believing in the Unity of creation in stead of a philosophy of eternal divisiveness. This belief is a belief, through experience, of the One life. It is a conviction of the truth of this Power and an allegiance to it. Believing in it, demonstrated through one's actions. Not through blind belief, but through conscious communion with it in which one is guided by it's intelligence. True belief, then is wisdom, for it involves seeing what is real and acting in accordance with the nature or law of what is real. True belief is not a conceptual belief and ideological crusade. It is subtle change of the very heart an individual in which their most basic perceptions of the world are undone. Therefore this belief is incomprehensible to those who have not experience this, and they cannot live by it, nor can they teach it. It is that which totally unfounds all personal beliefs and ideologies. Which takes the mind and heart deeper than a reality governed by mental principles and mental understandings. This is why it is called the Light, the Truth, and the Way. It is the deepest principle of existence that we know as righteousness, and some know as the Dharma. It is an intuitive direct knowing and seeing and experiencing in which things are seen not as we understand them to be, but simply as they are. It is a life in which what is seen, who sees, and seeing itself are One and the same. By this Oneness all is known. By this life, this living intelligence and Power.
To give up one's life, to gain it, is the same as the dropping away of the self in deep meditation. To live is to meditate, for the soul is ever meditating upon God and Truth. Life itself is meditation. Their is no ego. Their is no little self. Their is only the Dharma, which is ultimately Spirit. In losing my self, everyone else and everything else loses itself. Finding enlightenment on a mountain, the mountain itself becomes awake. Enlightenment is Universal, as it is ever-present. As it is the Truth, it is exclusively the Truth. What was my mind, and your mind, and the lack of mind, arises and unfolds in the same Mind and is One Mind. What begins here and ends there, now both begins and ends everywhere. The beauty of the Dharma is far reaching.
Blessed Lord God of Universal Righteousness. I and Thou are One. All is One. Thou art the Lord and Thou art Everywhere. In thee I have peace. In thee I have everything. I am One with All that is. I am all that is. I am infinite and so is my body. Effortlessly I Am. Effortlessly I Am. Effortlessly I Am.
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