What life is there here? And where do we find it? Where do we look? What is this life that we speak of? To whom does it belong? From a life that is everyone's, to a life that is God's alone, to one that doesn't belong to anyone and is nowhere to be found. This is where we come from. This is who we are. We spring up from a Void, and when the Void is seen, it is clear that we never sprang forth at all. This writing will never be read for their is no one to read it and there isn't really anything to say about anything. Things are not what they appear to be. How strange to realize that a Void could be a higher form of consciousness that things. That it is so. This world is born from it and is completely it. How strange to realize that nothing exists, to see clearly that their is no real form other than Nothingness. That there is no one here at all. Difficult to describe and define, the nature of this Void. It is immense and potent, yet formless and unseen. It is everything, yet in it's essence, nothing at all. It is energetic, yet incomprehensible. I believe it has thought and feeling, yet where to begin? What would it think about? What would it feel? What would it perceive and know. Who could it be? Looking thus, looking into my own non-existent mind and my own non-existent heart..Into the vital energy of lightening and shadow...This power courses through my veins. It courses through everything. Immense. Potent. Vast. So much power. The power. All of it. A treasure trove. The Cosmic Hoard. The power to create anything, to do anything. Out of which pours an infinite abundance of Cosmic Energy, Cosmic life, that creates and sustains all that is. How small are the worldly matters of man. How ignorant we are of the potency of God. How foolish and stubborn we are. Yet this is He unseeing of Himself by His own powers of Missight, never truly being blind in the first place, never being anyone to be blinded at all. The Awesome and Terrible Fortress of God. The full potency of the Spine of the Dragon brimming in a black cauldron of Death. Such power lives within us, such power consumes our beings. Until we have fully returned to where we began, before anything began at all. The Lord Sings His Dragon Song of Death with Unseeing Eyes in the Great Unknown, Before All Came To Be. He Cuts the World to Ashes with a Whisper from His Sword, Power and Death, Power and Death!!! Always from the Void, within it, consumed by it. Never to begin, again...
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