By being open to the Dao, we may carve our way through life when their is no path to be seen. When we believe, the way manifests before us. Believing requires us to give up disbelief and to give up any attachment to the results of our actions. When we believe in this way, we act in harmony with the Dao, the Universe, and the Universe responds to our belief by manifesting what we believe in. If we believe in Him, He will show us the way. It is only our fear that blinds us from seeing the way forward. It truly is always right underneath our noses. The way is where we are. Always where we are. It is our fear and our desire that keep us from doing what is right and good, what is obvious. When we see clearly, we see their is no choice. When we are attached to outcomes and circumstances, we cannot shift properly with the natural movement of the Universe. So focused are we on what we are afraid to lose and what we desire to gain, that we do not see how the Universe is moving. Our footing is unsure. By giving up attachments entirely, we are freed to see what is here, and free to respond to it's movements harmoniously. When we believe, we believe in the power of the Dao and the truth of it's governing principles: One must be open to a way for their to be a way, one must believe in a way for a way to come into being, belief followed through with willpower can bring anything into being, one must act in harmony with the Dao, the Greater Way, for continual success in manifesting what they believe in, to act in harmony with the Way, one must become the Way.
To become One with the Dao, you must become pure of heart.
You must believe in what is good and act to uphold what is good. This is virtuousness at the expense of selfishness. You must hold onto what is good with faith in the wisdom of virtuous living, holding your heart open to goodness at the expense of what could be gained presently for yourself by dishonorable means. You must lean on the mercy of a Universe that forgives those who seek goodness yet are beset by folly, who continue to strive for Goodness even when the suffer greatly in doing so. We must have such a belief in Goodness that our belief balloons up expanding in goodness and carrying us out of our troubles. The power of this belief is such that it creates it's own way. When we belief thus in what is virtuous, we can acquire the power to lift ourselves out of trouble permanently. Belief in what is evil may give us power to overcome obstacles in the way of our evil designs, while the same belief may also destroy us. Whereas belief in what is virtuous only fails in saving us by our lack of belief rather than by the nature of virtue itself. It is our corrupted nature that thwarts our good intentions, while the goodness of these intentions is that which possesses the power to create. Evil only succeeds by the goodness that dwells within it, for only the goodness has the power to bring anything into being. Furthermore, evil is only allowed to succeed for the benefit of the greater good, as difficult as this may be for us to see. Goodness is the power by which evil is overcome and within ourselves, it has the power to free us from all our troubles. It is our folly to believe that what is not good can bring us lasting success, and further folly to believe that what is not good can bring us peace. It is our wickedness that causes us to disbelieve in what is good, and in the power of that goodness. It is our ignorance that causes us to doubt the power that we have as beings that are composed of this goodness, and in doubting this power, doubting ourselves, our own power and our own ability. By learning to believe again in what is good, we regain the power that we already have by remembering that it was never taken away, it was simply forgotten in fear and a shadow that grew into an all consuming darkness. The Universe wants us to remember our basic goodness, because it is Good. So good that it allows us to suffer again and again until we remember our natural way of being. Our natural strength that flows like a great river ever towards the ocean. It is easy because it is who we already are.
When we reach this degree of love and reach out to forge our way, we consciously create a bridge to our dreams because the Universe meets us where we are in cooperation, building the other half of the bridge. The Universe works with us because we work with it. In our Goodness, we serve the Greater Good, and the Greater Life that is the Multitude of Living Beings, Life, that is the Universe. Our Love reaches back to us, itself, to help itself. In this we participate with our ever deepening belief in Goodness. This belief is for ourself, but not just ourself. It is belief and determination to gain and grow, but not to possess through domination. To gain in Goodness and in Love by the power of our love for Goodness. Goodness is simply the truth that becomes a goal when it is forgotten. Even so, it remains the truth, even when it is lost. It cannot leave us for it is the substance by which everything is created, and by which everything exist in this very moment. It is not a lack of it, but an inability to see it that is the problem. Using the word problem is heavy handed, because according to Goodness itself, their is never anything wrong at all.
By our belief, we can be lifted out of the darkness that plagues most human minds. By sheer determination to persist in what we know is right, we can escape the dilemma of our times, even as we live through it. We are human souls, not simply human bodies, on a great journey to the Greater Good. The world that we know will always be subject the the relativities of Good and Evil that we are familiar with, but this does not make it a bad place. It is here so that we may be challenged again and again to broaden our horizons and discover our deeper natures. Regardless of what may be happening, I believe that we are on a path towards greater harmony and Love. I think God is always working behind the scenes to create a better and better environment for this harmony and love to manifest. I know She is. I do not believe in living in fear. I believe in Light and Love and Goodness. I believe in each one of us, and our community. I know that together we can make a difference and that every day we do. The more we are conscious of the Love we possess and it's power, the more we can be free of fear and the more we can free our world of fear. We do not have to live in darkness. By believing in Radical Love and Openness, a Goodness that knows no bounds, that allows us to be who we are, that believes in the dignity of all human beings regardless of appearance, belief, or who we love, we can overcome fear and hate and step outside of it's power.
I do not believe in fear or hate. I believe in Love, and I believe that Love is free. I believe that regardless of what anyone says, this is true and will remain true forever.
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