
 God is everything. God is everywhere. All paths point to God. We have such a limited understanding of what God is. Of what things are. If we see things clearly, there is no way anything can hold us back. What holds us back is ignorance, one that was never ours to begin with. Without an ego, there is no personal shortcomings to keep us from being free. There is simply changing light. There is no prison. There is no liberation. There is no illusion. Reality is something that no one can hold onto, because there is no one here to hold onto anything. There is no one to be changed by anything. There is no other to be found, realized or experienced. There is the unconditioned present moment. I don't think the God we believe in is real. Because the God we believe in is a dream. The real God isn't concealed behind a mask and has no special power. The magic in the Universe is the complete an utter mystery of life that I don't think can be solved or understood. I think the best we can do, is acknowledge this mystery as what it is by seeing beyond what it isn't. The ways that God reaches out to us are interesting. The fact that it does seem to have a purpose for our lives, this is very interesting. Why? I have no idea. Why does God want us to become who we are? It does seem important to me. Is this only meaningful because of how it appears in my ignorant human mind? Does this present moment have personality and personhood? Does it have a mind of it's own. Or does it only appear to as it manifests within conditioned consciousness? What is the significance of deep aeonic soul paths which are decreed by Divinity and etched into the fabric of the universe? Is this only significant because of my existing soul consciousness, which sees it as other than it actually is? Taking it to be something which it is not? I don't think I really believe in any of this crap. I don't think any of it is real. I think it is deep personal feeling experience that eventually dissolves under the erosion of deeper realization. I don't think any of it is real. I think it is how the cosmos is structured, but not anything of any substance. It is odd how many faces of God their are. It is kind of disturbing. I think what you find underneath that is interesting. Nothing. A void. It makes me hate the way most people look at the world. But, they aren't really real, so it's not really worth getting upset about. 

I have all these ideas about what is good and what a good life looks like for me. I think much of these beliefs are crap. I don't think any of it is real. I think what is good is what makes me happy right now. And this is all that is important. There is no thing that is of any greater significance than anything else. There is no true God, no great Gurus, no realization or awakening. No more power anywhere than anywhere else. This, I suppose, is the appeal of Zen and Buddhism compared to most other religions. I still find acknowledging my personal Judeo-Christian religious sentiment helpful. That these may be worthy paths. But I don't think the God most people believe is at the core of these religions is real. I think they imagine a Great Other, when the whole time they are looking in the mirror at themselves, which they never realize is empty of self. And at the same time, Zen and Buddhism are simply other religions, other paths, that are equally meaningless. There is no truth we can hold onto, no religion or path that has any substance whatsoever. The significance of any religion is that it points to what is and what is not. Beyond this, their is no significance. This can be a nightmare or an unexpected relief. No rules to follow, no commandments to uphold. No hierarchy, nothing to gain, nothing missing. People will continue to behave as people do, given what they are able to perceive. Beliefs will continue to evolve until they disappear completely. This void I see is too an illusion. 

What value is there of disclosing the reality of this void to human civilization? How strange it is to see that we are all nothing, that all we have ever made amounts to nothing. There is no truth, there is no path, there is no self. We may have personal experiences of God, but I don't believe in any of them. I don't believe in any of it at all. One thing leads to another, there is no difference between the different faces or aspects of God. The real aspect of God is that there is no aspect of God. All personal beliefs and perceptions surrounding God amount to myth. There is no difference between anything we perceive with our senses. We really don't see anything at all, because there is nothing to see. Our entire human experience is imaginary. The entire construct of our many dimensional human being/body is fictitious along with all of it's parameters and functions of consciousness/existence. The idea of consciousness, consciousness changing, or evolving. How could this be real? What is here? How could it be anything we could imagine? When we look beyond our imagination, we can see what is here. This is not a product of any human or any other agencies power of mind. The old ways may work well, but they still are not real. 
