Written on a blade of grass

 As each physical object is the creation of God, the entire inner universe is reflected in His handiwork. You may observe the intelligence of the craftwork of a wagon and a contemporary vehicle, the same can be said about a blade of grass. The intelligence of the whole universe went into creating it. Every dimension of the universe in imprinted on it. You can see the position of every star in the universe in a blade of grass. You can see how these stars will change over 10 billion years. You can see the innerworkings of the astral universe and it's energies that hold the potential. The whole universe is contained within matter and within it, it waits to evolve into the whole universe. The dormant potential of matter is Spirit. Matter in a sense is the seed of Spirit. From matter form evolves into Spirit, the inner potential of Spirit relentlessly pushing to blossom and awaken, to fully realize itself. Only within creation may the full power and body of Spirit be concealed. Only within creation does this reality have substance. Outside of the veil of creation lies only the full body of Spirit nameless and fathomless. When the seed blossoms past final veil into the realm of pure Spirit, which is transcendent of the entire universe of form, everything, the seed realizes it is Spirit, and that all there is is Spirit, the entire effort of spiritual evolution was an illusion, a play. Yet the play seems to continue even with this realization. To me it seems that as long as we have bodies of any kind, part of us is tethered to the dualistic realm of creation, to some aspect of it. Also, even if we discard all of our bodies, we may yet return to creation. Spirit may return again for any particular reason. 

Everything in creation contains everything else. The universe lies within each thing. This is true because each thing is truly just a mask that conceals the full body of Spirit. If you delve into the form, you can look behind the mask, look within the code and find the whole of the universe, fully present. The Light of the Holy Ghost that vibrates into particular aspects of form all according to the will and design of God. God creates things to be, to evolve, and to pass away. He creates things to express His infinite intelligence. These things are apart of His plan for creation. Why is it this way? I think it must have to do with God's love and the way in which He expresses His love for all aspects of creation, which He wishes to bring back to Himself. It seems to me that His plan, is God's plan for liberating each soul, each spec of matter, that His plan for each one of us is one of divine mercy, that comes from the most intimate awareness of the natures of our souls and the way He wishes to reveal Himself to us via soul intuition. He has a unique path for each one of us, that is the highest way of Love and Light and Goodness. This is the path we are always on, even when it is most difficult, most trying. These trials are apart of God's ever reaching and ever nurturing love and devotion for us. God always works to expand our hearts to the infinite. He allows us to live our lives and go about our own way knowing that we will eventually turn to Him. Always hinting, always quietly guiding, showing us signs of love and appreciation. God is always here for us. Creation is a mask that conceals the hidden nature of God, which is responsible for everything that happens. Everything is done by God's hand and His love. Creation is an image of His heart and His love. 
