The whole creates the part

 The whole Universe creates each individual thing in it. Each thing is sensitive to the whole universe. The Universe continually creates itself based upon how individual parts respond to the whole. It tells how we respond through the feedback that our nervous system sends to our spinal centers and our brain, our central nervous system. The information it receives isn't always accurate, so the environment that the universe creates for us, isn't always something that is good for us. Our being or organism may be sensitive to the Universe, but we may not be fully conscious of this. When we are not conscious of the Dao, the Universal Whole, we are out of harmony with the Universe, and what we create through our actions will not wholly benefit us. In order to have balance on Earth, we need to be sensitive to the Whole, recognizing that we are one with our environment. When we are conscious of the Dao, we can move with it. When we are sensitive the Universe, we can anticipate what will happen next, for we will see what the Dao is preparing to create. Individually we are apart of this creation. The Universe springs forth from within us, for as the Dao is the entire universe, it is also the inner universe within each thing. The inner universe is infinite, the outer universe is but a reflection of this infinite nature. The outer universe is the outwards expression of the infinite, it is the garb of the Dao. Even though the outer garb is finite, it remains the Dao, and we can observe the movings of the whole within each part. With the movement of a blade of grass in a soft breeze. If our eyes are open wide enough, we can see the hidden movement of the universe written on everything. If each part is created by the Whole, the each part reflects the intelligence of the whole. If we look carefully we can see this infinite intelligence and learn a great deal. It seems clear to me that God has written untold scriptures expounding His nature and Holy Science in plain sight. When we seek Earthly fortune we discount the value of the lifeforce that dwells within ordinary stones and is organized so delicately to produce a single blade of grass. Each thing in the natural world is created by God moment to moment. It is regrettable that we treat the natural world so off handedly. When you look at the natural world without man's mindless abuse, you see ingenuity and abundance. Life effortlessly springs forth from the ground. Creatures abode on land, in sea, and in air. There is enough here for everyone. What we lack is sufficient intelligent organization of ourselves so that we co-exist with our natural environment. The Dao is the heart of the Environment. The Environment is Spiritual, which extends from Spirit, to Mind, To Matter, and then upwards to produce intelligent life. Could compassion be born without frailty and mortality? Living organisms are God born in flesh. There may be no higher form in the universe than that of a organic living being. 

We cannot simply seek to co-exits with the natural world, the biome. We must seek to co-exist with Nature itself, which transcends space and time, yet is ever-presently expresses itself in creation as creation. Through heightened and enlightened sensitivity, we can recognize and interpret the handiwork of this unseen force, and shape our lives according to it's natural design. This is the fullest way possible we can go with the flow and spontaneously adapt to the living moment. 

It is through sensitivity that we discover the Dao. It is through sensitivity that we live in harmony with it. This sensitivity is ever-changing and ever deepening. It is how we know what God is sending us, how we know how to occupy our time. If we are sensitive to Him, He will be sensitive to us. 
