Every object that permeates the Universe has fields of intelligent energy that radiate outward. The interaction of these fields form the environments in which objects exist. All objects are in fact living things because all things are intelligent and respond to their environments. Everything then must be capable of growth and transformation however minimal in insignificant it may appear to us. Everything must have volition and therefore be subject to the laws of karma. Everything must be sensitive to the universal environment and be acted upon and effected by universal forces. The basic lifeforce is an ever expanding intelligence that directs an object or living thing towards greater and deeper expressions of itself. One of the basic principles of lifeforms is the will for self-sustenance, the will to sustain one's own life. In order to do this, the lifeform must succeed in functioning within the parameters that sustain it's life. It can do poorly or well at this. One truth is that the degree to which a lifeform succeeds is not determined wholly by it's own will. Lifeforms co-exist with other lifeforms and they are competitive and mutually supportive to varying extents. The awareness and mentality that informs the active will of a lifeform also determines the conditions of it's environment and it's own health and wellbeing. This awareness and mentality is the general intelligence of the lifeform. This intelligence is imbued in every aspect of the lifeform and radiates outwards from all forms of it's activity. It is it's life signature that is imprinted on everything it touches. This active field of intelligent-will-lifeforce ceaselessly interacts with the lifeforce fields of other lifeforms. Each lifeform is inter-dependent with it's total environment and on the most basic level, One with the general field. This general field is the ground floor from which all life springs forth and which all life is a part. Lifeforms live both within it, and it lives within them. Lifeforms are truly wholly One with it. Each lifeform is sensitive to it's general environment to different degrees and in different ways. These sensitivities are the ways in which the intelligent-lifeforce-field reaches out and interacts with the lifeforms environment changing it and being changed by it. As cells mutually function in the operation of tissues, and groups of tissues mutually function in the operation of organs, and organs mutually function in organ systems, organ systems in the organism, organisms (or lifeforms) mutually function on different levels in different ways with greater units of life, greater lifeforms. I think that these greater lifeforms are just as real as our individual lives, though often not as obvious. Our general environment, the general field is the greatest lifeform we are apart of. All lifeforms, all forms, co-exist within this field and are co-created by it and their own actions. Our lifeforce radiates out in varying fields of it's lifeforce to sensitize itself to the field and plan it's own development in balance with the field so that it can sustain it's own life. Also, integral to this sensitivity is the will to sustain the general field that is an innate aspect of all volition within all lifeforms. Lifeforms have to a certain extent a conscious choice to do what they will, but they are integrally tied to the greater will of the general field and their choices always reflect this. Lifeforms within the greater field are the greater field. They are each unique expressions of it. Each a fully formed expression. This is why the Dao is the environment of all environments. It is both the background and foreground, and these are undivided: a seamless whole. The whole is reflected in each thing, in each lifeform, because each lifeform is the whole. If one examines their most basic understandings of what things are, they will find that they continue to unravel and dissolve into nothing. The Universe becomes far more perplexing, interesting, and expansive. It also always sits like this under your very nose as you perform the most mundane tasks. The Mystery of the Universe is timeless, formless, and ever-present. To discover it, we have to step outside of our ordinary way of doing things, of thinking, feeling, and being so that we may learn to see things as they are, not as we have been told they are. We have to look with our own eyes and see, and rejoice in what we discover, because it is more wonderful than we ever could have imagined. The breath of life moves everything in each and every moment, in the most subtle, graceful, and beautiful ways, that turn out to be the most ordinary apparent movements that we take for granted. The coming of Summer as Spring. The coming of Winter as Fall. The struggle of life to emerge and sustain itself. The victory of the enlightened mind against a fast depth of darkness. God's ever-present love for every single living being and every speck of creation. The breadth and depth of any single human intelligence is astounding. Each one of us has the capability for greatness, while in truth, we are all marvelous exactly as we are, each deserving of love and respect. The seed of life is strong and everflowing forth into new life. Death and decay may surround us, but underneath the surface is an infinite ever-victorious sea of life. The darkness is but a shadow to add beauty to the world. Each thing is infinite. In this infinity we are immortal. Not as our small struggling egos, but as the whole hidden Universe that hides in plain sight. We mutually co-exist with ourselves, as each thing is the same expression of the One. There is no difference between any one of us and anything out there. We all share the same air, the same Earth, and the same water. We all share the same soul. We are not divided. We are One.
By ceasing to compete with our environments we may excel in cooperating with the Dao. We may give up violence and aggression and take up sensitivity, cooperation, and compassion. Imagine a world in which you do not have to fight against your neighbors. Instead your neighbors are your brothers and sisters of your family, that share a common purpose with you. Imagine how uplifting this community is, how supportive. In competition, our environment competes against us. In cooperation, our environment works with us. In competition, their is no end to the struggle simply to survive. In cooperation lies the promise to end all struggles for the sake of Unity. Where we turn our minds determines what we create with the will of our lifeforce. If you can step back from your personal attitudes and problems, what do you see when you look at the greater current of human civilization? Do we need more competition or more cooperation? If we see the latter, then we may learn to see other human beings as assets that are integral to our mutual success. As pieces of a puzzle that have a place. Each one of us can fit in when we step away from superficial judgment and narrow mindedness. When we open our mind to the field that stands before us. We lack perspective because we are stuck in old ways of doing things. We don't take advantage of what we have right now. We are more concerned so much that is less significant than our own lives and the lives of the people we live with. We lack the ability to be reasonable, to be sensitive to our own feelings, to see the bigger picture. We truly do not need anything for ourselves. When we give up attachment and desire we may be fully present with things as they are. We can give freely and know what we need in the moment to take care of ourselves. We do not need to cling to what we have because we do not depend on anything. We are infinite and formless and all of creation is an effortless by-product of this being.
In each moment our life force field extends outwards from the core of our being and senses the total environment we inhabit. What we sense determines what we do. It's how we respond, how we feel about what we sense that determines the action we take. So feelings predetermine actions. Feelings are based on what we are sensitive to (what we sense) in the moment. So what we sense obviously fluctuates. Our feelings fluxuate like currents in rivers. It is our attention that determines what we sense, so if we control our minds, we can control how we feel and what we do. This feeling is the subtle heart of a living being. It senses through both the ordinary and extrasensory senses through fields/lines of force that permeate the medium of the particular sensing organ/activity which is rooted in our subtle chakra center system. These fields/lines/points of force-intelligence read the environment and subtly act on it. They are deformed and transformed by it, and they deform and transform it. Subtly. This mutual interaction depends upon the structures of intelligence of both parties. How the minds of both parties interacts This is determined by both the active and passive content in both mind's. The sensing forcefields use their force to act upon the environment. The direction and action of this force is dependent on the volition or will of the user conscious and passive
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