Mind fields etc

 The mind is subtle. The attention of the mind directs the creative will. The content of the mind informs the power of the creative will that determines what it shapes through action. It informs how it acts and what it does. What we do is determined by our focus and the content of our mind. Imagination is essential for action.  Visualization is the template for conscious action. We see what we are doing within our mind as we do it, whether or not we succeed in doing what we aim to do. The inner visualization guides action. The clearer this mental component is and the greater the degree that it matches what we are capable the more likely it is that we will succeed in accomplishing what we intend to do. The mental component of will power imbues the will with subtle intelligent directional force, which is a force and potential energy. The energy itself is energetic and contains the potential for additional energy as the intelligent force imbued willpower acts on objects. The manner in which the will acts upon objects is determined by the means through which it is employed. The means or the body by which the mind is employed is endless because the mind is not limited to the functioning of the human body. The mind operates on the universe subtly. It can operate grosser mechanisms and operate outside of them. It may create it's own vessels of force.. This is what it does. Mind creates matter. All matter is an active function of mind. Mind evolves into more complex forms of expanding awareness. It evolves to succeed in it's environment, to respond to the demands of it's environment. It keeps on expanding and evolving, it generally works within a given terrain with given parameters and as it gains mastery over this terrain and the rules that apply to it, the terrain expands in both breadth and depth. The skill and awareness learned within a given scope are the fundamentals required for the next expanded and deepened zone. Both to operate successfully and to be conscious of. We learn imperfectly though so this process is much more complicated. Although it is much more complicated, this general movement of developing skill and awareness, and the expanding bounds of one's environment is clearly the fundamental way in which form/mind evolves. The incredibly complex and complicated fashion in which this happens is obvious just by looking out at the world we live in. When the bounds of one's environment expand and deepen, the essence or fundamental characteristic that is now the object of one's learning and skill/awareness development also changes. It adds new depth and breadth the to existing world: a new degree of complexity and nuance that is unknown and of vital importance to the development of the self. Although all form is mind and mind stuff, the subjective mind is the subjective experience of consciousness and form that is unique to each lifeform. You could call this perception. What a life form perceives is influenced/determined by it's attention. The image that one perceives in their own mind reflects the current degree of evolution of their consciousness. A thing can only perceive what it is aware of, and the expansion of it's awareness is a development of it's mind. The inner consciousness/perception of an organism, the inner mind is the fulcrum around which the overall mind/lifeform develops. The inner mind is the subtle energy of a being. The physical is merely a solidification of subtle energies. The consolidation of energy into matter. The subtle energy of a lifeform determines the structure of the lifeform. The overall structure of subtle energy determines both physical structure and interior consciousness. Subtle energy is the subtle mind. Our perception of the universe arises within the subtle environment of our mind. The subtle content that evolves, the same evolution of our own mind, is the same subtle energy that develops within a lifeform. The subtle background of our perception that is the subtle energy of our being is the subtle background of the world. Often we may think of the world as fixed, and the same world that everyone lives in. In one way this is absolutely true. In another it is very false. The external world is thoroughly colored by our subjective perception and consciousness. Our perception makes the world unique to each individual, each life form, and very much an extension of their own consciousness. The world we see is always colored by our degree of awareness, which is multi-faceted and varying in depth and breadth. As subtle energies evolve and the subtle mind deepens, the subtle energy centers of the body awaken and evolve and change. The subtle terrain that is the background of internal consciousness and the background of the limited perception of this internal or subjective consciousness, is the subtle energy content of a being. A being evolves and reincarnates: the subtle energy centers awaken and the being becomes more awake and more conscious. It is through the sensitivity of the subtle mind that a being/form/organism senses it's environment and determines the best course of action. Through sensitivity comes response. Sensitivity marks the natural development of subtle energy and mind as an organism senses the subtle content of it's environment. At this point, the subtle content is the total environment that is mind. Mind composed of subtle energies that have solidified into matter, yet remain ruled by active subtle energies that are not matter, but subtle mind. Both matter and subtle energy exist within mind and it is mind that is sensitive to mind. It is the subtle direction of mind that determines the course of development and the current activity of the environment of a form/organism/being. The subtle and interconnected functioning of chakras (subtle energy centers) determines how an organism responds to it's environment. They determine overall sensory awareness that is obviously complicated and unique to each life form. The health and functioning of physical sense organs and their psychic counterparts is determined by the status of the subtle energy chakras. The better they function, the better our senses function and the more accurately we sense the Universe and it's varied movements. It is through our overall sensitivity that we respond, the sum input of all of our senses. Through sensitivity we sense how we may best proceed to have the best possible results for what we deem is vitally important. 

The Universe moves as a whole. Through our senses we sense the whole or the Dao. The Dao is an active force that is here and now. It is tied to our nervous system which informs the operation of our whole body. Through our senses we sense the One. We are the One sensing the One. Sensing ourself. The One is whole and All. In harmony with the One, One moves in harmony with the Universe. The One is the natural harmony of all things. All things are in natural harmony. Selfishness leads to the experience of being out of harmony. The delusion of the disharmony of the universe. Everything is in fact in perfect harmony, their is perfect balance. Their is truly One movement that moves everything all at once. This is the Dao. It is both still and actively moving. This is it. It is the whole movement of Creation as One seamless movement. It somehow seems to be ruled by the heart chakra, though I don't know how this is possible. It seems to be governed by the sensitivity of living things and that this sensitivity and the nervous system of lifeforms is the Dao. It seems to be coordination of living things among living things, where everything is alive. 

I am reading about the Anahata chakra on Wikipedia. The chakra contains a shaktona which is a six pointed star formed by two overlapping triangles. The upper triangle is Purusha and the bottom is Prakriti. Purusha is pure consciousness or Spirit, and Prakriti is matter. The marriage of these forms life. Which is a very interesting concept. The birth of Spirit in Matter. What's also interesting is that in my personal experience, Christ consciousness came before this. It may be that life is the raiment of Christ which makes sense to me because each thing in Creation has descended from Christ and is imbued with Christ. The evolution of matter into more and more complex lifeforms is the return of the divine spark that was forgotten as matter to Spirit. Even though most organisms are unaware of the Divine Spark, Christ, within them, they remain Christ at heart throughout their lives and many transformations via reincarnation. If you step away from a human-centric universe to a life-centric universe, reincarnation makes much more sense, and the idea that the Divine Spark resides within each form makes reincarnation something God would do for each lifeform because each lifeform is truly the same Christ that was forgotten in matter and beloved by God. Reincarnation truly is the outstanding Love of God for all of his Creatures, all his Children, all his Christ sons and daughters. The Universe itself is the living flesh of Christ. 
